Tuesday, July 25, 2017

To Be Rude or Not To Be Rude....

Before I begin telling any stories or sage wisdom, let me say this: I consider myself a very nice person. I will bend over backwards for my friends and family and everyone else's happiness generally ranks WAY above mine. The family and friends I hold dear, I hold dear af. Once that line is crossed then that's where problems arise. Once you let me know that we aren't on even playing ground, all bets are off and all gloves come off. Somewhere along the way that labeled me as a loud, blunt, mean bitch. (WTF?)

That's what this blog is for. Some of the posts on here will be my own story and history with bipolar disorder, things that I've done or situations I've experienced. Some posts will be Biblical or based in religion. Some posts will be just plain spiteful and petty. I understand that this will piss some people off or lay to claims that my blog is just a soapbox for my ranting. However, this is my blog and fuck you. I didn't make you come here and read this, unless you're a beta reader, so don't judge what I put in these posts unless you can understand where they come from.

My ultimate goal with this blog is to give a voice to all the tornado brains out there. Normalize the idea of stream of consciousness blogging. I want someone to come and read what's written here and feel like they understand the way a diseased brain thinks a little better. Or how a person with a diseased brain lives with it. Guarantee me, it's not easy. Or fun.

So have a seat, grab a drink, and let's explore the mind of someone with Severe Bipolar I Disorder without Psychosis.

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